Tuesday, May 16, 2017

New Year, Better Me

Ok so I have a confession to make. I have never been able to keep a New Year's Resolution. Most of us go into the new year with grad idea about how we are going to change our lives. Maybe it's quitting a bad habit, or eating healthier. Maybe you want to spend more time with friends or change your performance at school or work. But if you are like me, you fall off of whatever new pattern you are trying to develop by the end of January, February at the best.
This year however, I am not making a resolution as concrete as those. This year, I am promising myself to be the best me I can be. A lot changes in a year, and I think trying to stick to one specific goal is pretty difficult when you don't know what the next 365 days will bring. But making a conscious effort everyday to be my best is a lot more broad. This means I will be exercising when I can, not to lose weight, but to gain energy and feel good. It means I am going to journal and write emotional poetry and highlight dozens of Bible verses. It means I am going to listen to my friends, go on adventures, volunteer my time and work hard. Every day being my best may look different. And I am sure that some days I will still be moody, or lazy, or just not shine my brightest. But I am going to make 2017 a good year, regardless of what happens.

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