Sunday, March 26, 2017

Welcome To The World

This is a spoken word poem written by myself and my best friend. We share our personal experiences not only to show how far we've come but to let others know they are not alone. TRIGGER WARNING! If reading about depression, loss of a loved one, eating disorders or similar topics will upset you, please do not read.
Welcome to the world little girl

You are in first grade and you want to be a race horse jockey when you grow up
And your best friend lives right around the corner
And life is so simple
But it won’t stay this way for long. no.
This year you will get on the bus and you will be punched for the first time
You will be called fat, and ugly, and stupid
Sam will be changed to Spam and Spam will be changed to Ham because
You’re so fat you might as well be a pig.

Middle school, welcome to the beginning of Hell.
You wake up in the morning to look in the mirror,
And say "this is me."
You compare yourself to what you think you should be.
"I'm fat." "I'm ugly." "How could his be?" "Why would God ever do this to me?"
You put on some make-up or some acne-cream,
To cover the blemishes that others can see.
Although it doesn't matter what others see,
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
But the beholder is me.

In middle school you are going to hate yourself
You won’t even be able to look in the mirror because you are
Too ashamed of what you’ll see
So you’ll walk around school sucking in your gut and praying.
Praying that no one will look at you
And praying that someone will notice you

Next thing you know you're fourteen,
You wake up in the middle of the night to find out your best friend is dead.
Soon enough you start holding a needle to your wrist just so you could feel something again.
Lonely, empty, numb,
The word "alone" begins to look more and more like "home."
You see the pain as a gift because you deserve it.
You master the fake smile,
That way even those who care about you the most won't see the pain within your eyes.

Jr. High
Welcome to hell.
You’ll always be sad and you won’t know why
But the sad won’t really be sad, It’ll be more like mad.
Or maybe lonely
But there’ll be no word to describe it because
You haven’t felt anything like this before
And You will choke on your loneliness even when
You are surrounded by people who care about you
You’ll learn to smile with your mouth
But not with your eyes.
Because your eyes will be the windows to
A broken soul
You won’t understand what depression is but
You will be suffocated by the darkness you feel
You are
Empty like your stomach because at fourteen
You will decide it’s better to be thin than it is to eat

On the inside you're SCREAMING,
SCREAMING from the pain,
SCREAMING to be heard,
SCREAMING hoping someone will notice and care enough to break down your walls.

And you’ll stop crying
And you’ll stop praying
And you will push away everyone who wants to help you
And you’ll sit in your bedroom
Holding scissors to your wrist
And wishing you had the strength to do it
Because you just want to

Eventually you just STOP.
You stop crying,
You stop praying,
You stop fighting the pain because you know you'll lose every time.

These will be your lowest years
But they won't last

Time goes by and you learn to love yourself,
You learn to take your trials and make them blessings for someone else.
You no longer feel powerless and lonely,
But strong and wise.

In high school
You’re going to learn who you are
And who you want to be
You are going to be healed by the Savior you tried to hide from
And learn to see yourself through the eyes of Christ,
As someone who was fearfully and wonderfully made instead of a mistake
You're going to find love
And learn to love yourself.
You’ll be warmed by the sun
And by the joy in children's faces
And you will find confidence as you become the woman you were created to be.
The emptiness will be replaced
By the love
Of a heart strengthened by faith

You know what you want and who you want to be,
You are driven and strive to achieve greatness.

Someday you'll be eighteen years old
Still growing
And changing
And evolving
And there will be a whole world in front of you
And you will no longer be afraid to face it
By the grace of God you are set free.

5 Lessons My First Breakup Taught Me

1. Be obedient.

When I was questioning whether or not to end the relationship, I prayed for God to give me answers. I was hurting and didn't know what to do. I soon realized I knew what God wanted me to do, but I was resisting obedience because I didn't like the answer. Once I trusted God and ended the relationship, yes there was incredible pain, but there was also unexpected blessings. And if you don't believe in God, then be obedient to your conscience.
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2. Emotions come in waves.

I could be totally fine and content one day and the next be furious, or mournful, or lonely. My feelings came at unexpected times and in unexpected waves. But I learned to expect the craziness and deal with my emotions in a healthy way (most of the time).
Image result for you are not responsible for other people's feelings

3. I am not responsible for anyone else.

I cannot stress this enough. I am not responsible for anyone else's happiness and neither are you. For so long I felt so guilty for hurting someone I loved, but I now realize that a person should never feel guilty for making a decision in the best interest of themselves and others as long as they acted on that decision in as mature, kind, and respectful way as possible. Once they have done that, their responsibility is gone, and they should not feel responsible for the feelings of another.
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4. Support systems are everything.

My family and friends held me together when I completely fell apart. They gave advice, held me, distracted me, wiped my tears, listened to me, prayed for me and gave me my favorite foods. I hope everyone out there has a support system of loved ones, whether they are friends or family or mentors. Find at least one or two people that have your back no matter what.
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5. Let the past go.

This one was probably the hardest for me. I wanted to cling to my past so strongly. I wanted to hold onto the good and the bad and the love and the hurt. But dwelling in the past can hold us back from living in the present and looking towards the future. So my suggestion for letting go would be first, forgive. Don't hold any bitterness in your heart. Give the past to God. Put the mementos in a box or get rid of them, spend time finding yourself. Breathe. And LET GO of the past.
This journey of moving on is far from over. I am sure that there is still a lot of learning and growing in my future. I write this in part as a reminder to myself, to help myself heal and in part so that anyone experiencing a breakup might learn from my experiences and avoid mistakes that I have made.

An Open Letter To My Amazing Mom And Dad

The things I wish I told you more.
An Open Letter To My Amazing Mom And Dad

Dear Mom and Dad,
This week I'm leaving the nest. I'm excited and nervous and prepared and terrified and thrilled to begin the newest chapter of my life. Thank you for getting me to this point. I'm incredibly blessed that God put me in the family he did.
Dad, you have been my rock, my model for the way a guy should treat me. You were the one who taught me to use power tools and who told me I looked beautiful before every Daddy Daughter dance. You held me when I cried and made me laugh at all those jokes I swore weren't funny.
We had long talks about everything when you dropped me off at my first job. You introduced me to Doctor Who, NPR, the stock market, and Christian podcasts. You battled your demons and helped me to battle mine. You baited my hook for me, threatened to scare the boys away, and gave me the freedom to be our crazy goofy selves.
Mom, you are who I aspire to be. You are kind and gentle and strong. You taught me about forgiveness, tolerance, and love. You gave me the best advice. You taught me to ride a bike, curl my hair, and cook. You encouraged me in everything I tried. You coached me in basketball and taught me to swim. You helped me pick out my prom dresses and my first tattoo. You took care of me when I was sick.
You fought the battles I wasn't brave enough to fight with the ferocity of a mamma bear. You taught me chemistry and geology. You showed me what kindness is. You have always put the needs of others before your own and I hope some day I can have a heart like yours.
Thank you mom and dad for holding me up when I fell down, for throwing me into the deep end, for wiping my tears and easing my fears. Thank you for giving me safe, comfortable home and for pushing me outside my comfort zone. You always said you hoped I would have roots to keep me grounded and wings to fly and leave the nest, and you have given me those things in abundance. Thank you for sharing your passions with me, and for supporting mine. For all of your sacrifices of time, money, sleep at night. For the countless times I needed to rant about things that don't matter in the long run. I'm going to miss you, but I also know you are the reason I am prepared to leave. I love you both so much. I can't wait to see you. And in the meantime I promise to be a good listener, to make good choices, and to have a good time.

7 Things You Definitely Remember From Christian Camp

I spent many summers as a child and teen at Christian Camps like Word of Life Island and even spent a summer working for one. I loved every minute of my time there and I’ve found that a lot of people have similar memories of their time at a Christian camp. Some are funny and some are spiritual but all are nostalgic memories of our childhood summers.
7 Things You Definitely Remember About Christian Camp

1. Campfire services.

The fire is bright. The music is powerful. Someone preaches a message about love, forgiveness, and Christ. It’s always an emotional night at camp, and I was always that one girl who left crying. Maybe you’ve been to countless services like this and they all blur together in your mind, or maybe one stands alone in its impact on your life. Either way, you remember what it’s like to throw a stick in the fire.

2. The 5 Bs.

Christian camps value modesty. That means not showing Butts, Boobs, Backs, Bellies, or Bra-straps (or other underwear-aka guys who sag their pants). Sometimes we followed the modesty rules willingly, and other times we rolled our eyes and fought to wear shorts just a half inch shorter.

3. That 1 leader.

Ok, we all did it. You know you had a hopeless crush on the worship leader or the lifeguard or 1 of the counselors. They were older, they were talented, they were cute, they were godly and thirteen-year-old you totally “loved” them.

4. Comedy and skits.

At Word of Life we had a night dedicated just to comedy, but I know other campers sat through endless crazy antics and skits put on by their counselors. We laughed so hard when they threw pies at each other, cracked jokes that may or may not have been appropriate, and generally acted out to get a reaction.

5) Weekly theme songs.

Every camp had a theme for the week and with a theme comes a theme song. You had it memorized by day 2 and you definitely both loved and hated it at the same time.

6)Hand hugs.

Christian camps mean no PDA. So if you or your counselor was one of the lucky ones that were dating someone else at camp the closest you got to a hug was the hand hug. A high five and putting your thumb around the other person’s hand was the cutest thing in the world at camp.

7) Meeting new people.

Campers and staff came from all over the state, the country, and even the world. You bonded with your cabin mates, your teammates, and anyone you happened to talk to during your weeks at camp. I was blessed to meet people from everywhere from Texas to Spain to South Korea.

Going to Christian summer camp impacted my life in so many ways, and while your memories are uniquely yours, I hope you enjoyed some of the same experiences I did.

Stereotyping Part 2: An Open Letter To Christians

To all my fellow Christians and the Church as a whole, let's talk some more about stereotypes. I'm not talking about the labels we use to judge others, I addressed those in my last post. I want to talk about the stereotypes that people have of Christians.
If you ask someone on the street to describe Christians they will probably use words like judgmental, legalistic, and hypocritical. This view of believers is even held by some people in the Church.
So why do both believers and non-believers believe that Christians are the exact opposite of the loving and forgiving example that Jesus set for us?
I think it's because a lot of Christians have turned from that example and instead have become self-righteous and superficial. We have become the very Pharisees that Jesus challenged during his time on Earth.
So if we truly want to be Christ's ambassadors in this world, how do we change the negative views people have of us?
I think there are a few things that we need to be reminded of.

1. We are not better than anyone.

Regardless of who a person is, what they've done, or what they believe, we are all sinful people and no sin is worse than another. The Bible says God loves the world, not God loves the Christians. So stop acting like you never messed up or like you are perfect.

2. Respect other people's beliefs.

I know you want to share the Gospel, I do too. I want everyone to know there is a God that loves them and wants a relationship with them. But pushing our faith on people that don't want to hear it will only drive them away and teach them that Christians only care about getting people to church. Instead of arguing, respect that they have different beliefs and be kind. If you act with love and kindness and work on relationships with people it is much more likely that they will be open to talking about Jesus.

3. We are not always right.

Seriously we are people, we make mistakes, we are influenced by all kinds of things and sometimes we are wrong. Whether you’re discussing politics, social norms, relationships with people in your life, or any other topic, be open to hearing what other people have to say. And be willing to admit when you are wrong. Or when there is more than one right answer, learn to accept that someone else is right too. Being humble and asking for forgiveness will get you a lot further in life and make you a much better person than arguing out of stubbornness.

4. Love the outcasts.

Jesus met with prostitutes, corrupt tax collectors, and lepers. He told his disciples to visit jails and to care for the poor. Who is the outcast in your life? Is it someone you find yourself judging because of their decisions? Is it someone that is just hard to talk to? Is it someone less fortunate than you? Is it someone others have decided isn’t worth it? Reach out to them and love them.
Christianity is supposed to be about love and relationship, not judgment and rules and regulations. I challenge each of us to change our behavior to be more like the biblical example of Jesus and less like the prideful and judgemental people that we are viewed as.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

An Open Letter To The Girls Who've Changed My Life

A thank you to all my sisters.

Hey sweethearts. Some of you I have known since since you were born, some since elementary school, some of you I met in our final years of high school, and some of you I met somewhere along the journey between. Some of us talk everyday and some of you I haven't hung out with in such a long time. But regardless of how long I’ve known you or how often we talk, I love all of you and am so grateful for the roles you've played in my life.

We played with Barbies and discovered the magic of Harry Potter together. We talked each other through first crushes and the insecurity of getting braces, glasses, and bad haircuts. You came and stayed with me after I had surgery, you held me while I cried after my first heartbreak, and you made me laugh in the classes we hated everyday. We spent so many nights talking about God, beauty, family, love, and pain. You cheered for me at track meets and trusted me with your secrets. From birthday parties, to sleepovers, to youth group trips, to graduation you where there. You brought me to your Bible study, you let me barge into your house without knocking, and you starting calling my parents you other mom and dad. We've gotten soaked to the bone at concerts and have run so many miles we wanted to die together. You cooked with me, pranked me, pranked other people with me, gave the best fashion advice, and always answered your phone when I called. We’ve dreamed about our futures and cried over and laughed at our pasts.
Thank you being there. Thank you for trusting me with the most vulnerable parts of yourself and for protecting my vulnerabilities. For praying for me and for binge eating ice and potato chips and then complaining about how unhealthy we were together. Thank you for helping me interpret cryptic texts and create the perfect responses. For interpreting when I butchered Spanish in Costa Rica, for making sorting through those those gross strawberries slightly more enjoyable, and for spending so long putting my hair in cornrows only for me to decide that gingers look bad in cornrows and take out all of your hard work. Thank you for supporting me when I battled depression in junior high. For passing notes with me in class when we finished before everyone else, for sharing the art you created with me, for humoring my endless need to take pictures of us. Thank you for forcing me to break outside of my shell and for helping me find excitement in living.

We are more than best friends. We are sisters. Two of you biologically and the rest of you sisters by love.

And now we are moving on with our lives. We’re going to be hours away from each other as we begin to create our futures and find ourselves. Good luck. I love you all. There are friendships in this world that last a lifetime, and these are those friendships. So whether we FaceTime every night through college, or just meet up on school breaks, I want to keep this sisterhood. Words can’t express my love for you, and I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it weren’t for you. Though time and distance may separate us, my heart is with you and I’m only a phone call away.

Seriously...It's Time To Stop Stereotyping

Originally posted August 2, 2016

So this week I read a post online that really irritated me. It was written by a respected well known conservative Christian and implied that all Bernie Sanders supporters are lazy, jobless kids (which is not true but that’s a whole other article). The first thought that popped into my head was an angry response in defense of myself and other hard working Bernie supporters of all ages. But after talking with an elder I whose opinion I respect and value, I realized there was a bigger problem than just one person’s biased post.
We as a society are so quick to categorize people. Then we make assumptions based on stereotypes of those categories. You have heard them I am sure. Fat people are couch potatoes. Black men are dangerous. Republicans are racist. Democrats are communists. Asians are smart. Cops are corrupt. Gays are flamboyant. Rich people are stuck up. Poor people are lazy. Hispanics are illegal aliens. Muslims are terrorists. Atheists are immoral. Christians are judgmental hypocrites.
There are common stereotypes of all groups of people and often there are others who accept them as truth. However, these stereotypes lack truth. These assumptions, these unconscious (or maybe conscious) prejudices create tension and distrust that shouldn’t need to exist. Most of us probably aren’t even aware that we have these prejudices.
But let me ask you, have you ever formed an opinion of someone just because of what group of people they belong to?

I know that I have. And I know that that is wrong.
So where do we go from here?
First, try to have an open mind. If you find yourself starting to lump people together in your mind stop yourself and then make yourself evaluate and get to know each person as an individual.
Second, do your research. Most stereotypes hold little truth once you examine the numbers and research. And even if a stereotype is generally true, please remember that not every member of a group is the same, they are each individual people.
Third, once you’ve taken the log out of your own eye, don’t be afraid to point out the speck in your brothers. If you see people attacking others or perpetuating a stereotype as a fact, talk to them about it. Don’t get rude, just point out that stereotyping is both incorrect and immoral and remind them that people are not their race, religion, political party, or any other category you put them in, they are just people that want to be accepted for who they are.

Are Millennials Really As Rude As Everyone Thinks?

I recently attended my first community meeting. I was excited both because of interest in politics of all sorts and because of my love for the community I am now a voting member of. However, I left the meeting appalled by the behavior I had witnessed from adults I have long respected.
The dialogue both between members and officers on the board was wrought with disrespect. It reflected the dialogue the nation as a whole sees every day among our politicians, our religious leaders, our activists, even our neighbors. Instead of calmly discussing the simple politics of this small town, members and officers jumped down each other's throats, interrupted each other, made assumptions and accusations, and scoffed at one another over petty issues. Nearly everyone at that meeting treated others with intolerance, rudeness, and general disrespect. It both saddened and frustrated me to see less respectful communication among adults than I had seen in my high school classes. At the time I wanted to speak up and address what I saw around me, but I was in utter shock at the pettiness and overall behavior I witnessed. I understand disagreements happen, and people are entitled to have varying opinions, however, there is a way to handle conflict while still treating others with basic human respect.
Perhaps what frustrated me the most was many of these adults frequently complain about the disrespect of teenagers and young adults. They say that members of my generation have no manners, that we are rude and do not contribute to society. Sometimes they are right in saying this. Sometimes they aren’t. I have seen my peers be extremely unkind and rude, but I can also say that most of the teens I know treat one another and their elders with more respect than many adults.
On occasions where adults are correct in challenging the behavior of Millennials or Generation Y, where do they think we learned it from? If children grow up seeing disrespect then as teenagers and adults they will recreate what they have witnessed. So to my Baby Boomers, to Generation X, to all parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles, be a good example. Lead by your actions, not just your words. If you want the generations below you to be kind and courteous, then be kind and courteous.
The fault doesn't lie entirely on our elders, however. To Millennials and my fellow members of Generation Y, remember that while we learn from what we saw growing up, as adults in this world we are responsible for our own behavior. We are the next politicians, religious leaders, activists, and community members. It's our duty to set the best example we can for the generations that will come after us. While I'm sure many in my generation are as frustrated by both immaturity and pettiness of some adults and the hypocrisy of which they accuse us of the same behavior as I am, I want to challenge us all not to get angry and instead give them nothing to find fault in. Maybe we can even set an example for our elders.

How To Get Your Best Summer Body

Originally published July 4, 2016
I bet that headline got your attention. It's swimsuit season and everyone wants to look their best. For a lot of people, wanting to look good for the summer isn't about trying to be as healthy as possible or the most confident version of yourself. Instead, it's about hating our flaws and seeking approval based on unrealistic beauty standards.
If I was only thinner. If only I had curves like her. If only I had muscles like him. My hair is too frizzy. What if my swimsuit shows my stretch marks? I'm too pale. I'm too dark. I hate my freckles. I wish I got freckles in the sun. Does this sundress make me look fat?
We all look in the mirror and find things we hate. So we google how to look good this summer, easy ways to get a beach body, and how to look good in a swimsuit. We wear makeup to the beach, swim shorts to cover stretch marks, we work out not with health in mind but to look good for the approval of others.
Notice I say we, that's because I have struggled with insecurity for a long time and summer can be hard for me. Not this year. This year I want all of us to stop hiding our "flaws" and to embrace ourselves. Want your best bikini body? Ok then put on a bikini. Done. Want to be the best you this summer? Then stop judging yourself and go live. Swim. Hike. Laugh. Buy that shirt that people say is only for skinny girls. Or the dress that they say you can only wear if you have curves. Be healthy, but don't hold yourself to ridiculously strict diets. Eat that hamburger at the family cookout. Stop hiding from the camera because you don't like what you see in photos.
No one is judging you because your hair frizzes in humidity, or because you have love handles or tummy rolls, or because you are naturally lean. So stop judging yourself. This summer I challenge you and I'm challenging myself, to be the best summer version of ourselves by loving ourselves this summer.

End The Division

Originally published July 11, 2016
Let's talk about hate. There's a lot of it in this world and the month or so has been filled with tragedies. The worst mass shooting in United States history occurred in a gay club in Orlando this June. In Baghdad, this week two hundred and fifty people were killed in terrorist attacks, and suicide car bombs were detonated in Jordan, Yemen, and even outside of Islam’s second holiest site, the Prophet's Mosque. In Louisiana and Michigan, two African American men were shot and killed by law enforcement officers abusing their power. In Dallas eleven officers and two civilians were shot by a sniper, resulting in the tragic death of seven people.
Unfortunately, violence like this seems to be becoming more and more common. The world seems stuck in an endless cycle of hatred and division. After each act of violence the world witnesses, society chooses sides and places blame. Muslims are blamed, or cops, or protesters, or blacks, or people with guns or people without guns. Instead of the country and the world joining together to grieve and address real issues we contribute to the issues by dividing ourselves and treating others with judgment and prejudice. While this hatred and violence affect many groups, in this article I am going to focus on Muslims, blacks, and the police as they have been impacted by this week's example of violence.
The reality is, Muslims are not terrorists, yet many continue accusing them of hating whites or Christians or Americans. Terrorists are political extremists that act out of hate, not in the name of faith. By blaming Muslims or people of Middle Eastern descent for terrorism, we only feed into the hatred that is the root cause of violence.
We also can't seem to be able to find a way to address police brutality and discrimination without accusing all law enforcement officers of being discriminatory or accusing African Americans of “making up” prejudice when it isn't there. There is a lot of racial injustice that African Americans and other minorities face and that cannot be ignored. Blacks are not “making up” the fact that they are given longer sentences for the same crime as whites, or that they face more violence at the hands of those who should be protecting them, or that officers who use unnecessary force are often not charged with crimes or fired. These issues need to be addressed in how we train our police, our judges, and how we educate children of all races so that this does not continue. However the “fuck the police” attitude does nothing to help this case. Many officers, in fact probably most, are honestly trying to protect everyone and do their job. Viewing them as an enemy only creates further division and tension between law enforcement and civilians, especially white officers and black civilians. The danger that these officers face is real, the Dallas shooting is a tragically perfect example of that. Those officers died and were injured protecting people who protested peacefully against injustice.
One of my favorite quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr is “Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.” we do not need more hate and division in this world. Instead blaming Muslims for brutal terrorist attacks, we should be offering our aid and compassion to the refugees fleeing those attacks and working with the Middle Eastern militaries fighting terrorists on their own soil. Instead of saying “fuck the police”, we should be asking “what can be changed in professional training and in media portrayal to end systematic injustice?” I challenge each and every one of us to be compassionate towards one another, regardless of any differences of race, religion, economic status, gender, sexual orientation or political views. Open up the conversation about these issues and fight for policy changes without categorized others. Teach your children to embrace diversity. Remember that a little bit of extra love in the world may not solve all of our problems, but it's definitely a start.

An End And A Begining

Originally posted June 27, 2016
This past Sunday my family received a call telling us that my great-grandmother had passed away in her sleep. This Friday I graduated. While the events are completely unrelated, the combination of them means that my emotions have been a rollercoaster this week. But through pain, celebration, nostalgia, and sadness, the emotion I find myself returning to is gratitude.

My great grandmother lived to see her oldest great granddaughter turn eighteen and finish her senior year of high school. While I know she would've wanted to see me graduate, I believe that she was watching from heaven. I am extremely grateful that she was a part of my life for eighteen years. How many people can say that? Most of my friends are losing grandparents, while I have been blessed with knowing three great grandmothers, and one great grandfather in addition to all of my grandparents. Gram, as we called her, was one of the strongest and kindest souls I've ever met. I don't think I ever saw her without a smile, even when she was in the hospital after fracturing her spine she was cracking jokes and complimenting everyone she saw. Even into her eighties in her eighties, she was sharp as a tack and her jokes could make anyone smile after a bad day. She always offered to help those around her. She lived on her own for my whole life and was incredibly independent. Gram was never afraid to speak her mind, but she was so kind and welcoming that at the calling hours people most of the family had never met showed up telling stories of her love, grace, and sense of humor.
Alice Blackmer was an amazing role model in my life and as I prepared to walk that stage Gram was never far from my mind. I’m so glad that she was a part of my life for so long and that she got to enjoy so many years of a joyous life. Her beautiful life came to an end at the same time that a new chapter of my life was beginning, and now that I am a high school graduate, I am so excited to explore the adventure that God has in store for me. I’m looking forward to the many lessons I’ll learn and meeting everyone that will cross my path. As I chase my dreams and grow into the woman I was created to be, I pray with all my heart that I live a life as inspiring as hers and that I become someone that my Gram would be as proud of as I am proud to have known her.

I Am From Roots And Wings

Hey everyone! Welcome to my new blog. I am currently transferring all of my old content onto this blog and will be updating weekly after that. I chose the title Roots and Wings for this page because my parents always stressed the importance of having roots to keep you grounded and wings to fly on, and as I enter my adult life those are values that I still hold onto. This post is a poem I wrote last semester when I was feeling a bit homesick.
I Am From Roots And Wings

I am from roots and wings
I am from hot, gooey cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning
from "no secrets in this house"
and "do what your mother says"
from swimming before we could walk
and camping every summer

I am from roots and wings
I am from church every Sunday
and Wednesday, and life group on Tuesdays,
serving on Saturdays, and sometimes coaching on Mondays' and Thursdays
from Veggie Tales movies, bible stories, and
Easter resurrection eggs

I am from roots and wings
I am from "I love you no matter what"
from "call your father and tell him what you did"
from reading Harry Potter before bed
and listening to Klove all the time
and to NPR on the way home from riding lessons

I am from roots and wings
I am from LOUD family gatherings
from stir fry when it's Dad's turn to cook
from "find your passion"
from high school sweethearts and Long Island debutante meets farm boy
and finally talking three years after Mom tried to meet Dad

I am from roots and wings
I am from "be a good listener
make good choices and
have a good time"
from family game nights
and Saturday farmer's market trips

I am from roots and wings
I am from perseverance,
love, faith, strength, courage
from laughter and tears and living life together
from sisters who are best friends
and being blessed to have known 4 generations

I am from roots and wings
roots that grew me,
taught me,
and gave me a foundation
and wings that are slowly helping me
learn to fly