Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Seriously...It's Time To Stop Stereotyping

Originally posted August 2, 2016

So this week I read a post online that really irritated me. It was written by a respected well known conservative Christian and implied that all Bernie Sanders supporters are lazy, jobless kids (which is not true but that’s a whole other article). The first thought that popped into my head was an angry response in defense of myself and other hard working Bernie supporters of all ages. But after talking with an elder I whose opinion I respect and value, I realized there was a bigger problem than just one person’s biased post.
We as a society are so quick to categorize people. Then we make assumptions based on stereotypes of those categories. You have heard them I am sure. Fat people are couch potatoes. Black men are dangerous. Republicans are racist. Democrats are communists. Asians are smart. Cops are corrupt. Gays are flamboyant. Rich people are stuck up. Poor people are lazy. Hispanics are illegal aliens. Muslims are terrorists. Atheists are immoral. Christians are judgmental hypocrites.
There are common stereotypes of all groups of people and often there are others who accept them as truth. However, these stereotypes lack truth. These assumptions, these unconscious (or maybe conscious) prejudices create tension and distrust that shouldn’t need to exist. Most of us probably aren’t even aware that we have these prejudices.
But let me ask you, have you ever formed an opinion of someone just because of what group of people they belong to?

I know that I have. And I know that that is wrong.
So where do we go from here?
First, try to have an open mind. If you find yourself starting to lump people together in your mind stop yourself and then make yourself evaluate and get to know each person as an individual.
Second, do your research. Most stereotypes hold little truth once you examine the numbers and research. And even if a stereotype is generally true, please remember that not every member of a group is the same, they are each individual people.
Third, once you’ve taken the log out of your own eye, don’t be afraid to point out the speck in your brothers. If you see people attacking others or perpetuating a stereotype as a fact, talk to them about it. Don’t get rude, just point out that stereotyping is both incorrect and immoral and remind them that people are not their race, religion, political party, or any other category you put them in, they are just people that want to be accepted for who they are.

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