To all my fellow Christians and the Church as a whole, let's talk some more about stereotypes. I'm not talking about the labels we use to judge others, I addressed those in my last post. I want to talk about the stereotypes that people have of Christians.
If you ask someone on the street to describe Christians they will probably use words like judgmental, legalistic, and hypocritical. This view of believers is even held by some people in the Church.
So why do both believers and non-believers believe that Christians are the exact opposite of the loving and forgiving example that Jesus set for us?
I think it's because a lot of Christians have turned from that example and instead have become self-righteous and superficial. We have become the very Pharisees that Jesus challenged during his time on Earth.
So if we truly want to be Christ's ambassadors in this world, how do we change the negative views people have of us?
I think there are a few things that we need to be reminded of.
1. We are not better than anyone.
Regardless of who a person is, what they've done, or what they believe, we are all sinful people and no sin is worse than another. The Bible says God loves the world, not God loves the Christians. So stop acting like you never messed up or like you are perfect.
2. Respect other people's beliefs.
I know you want to share the Gospel, I do too. I want everyone to know there is a God that loves them and wants a relationship with them. But pushing our faith on people that don't want to hear it will only drive them away and teach them that Christians only care about getting people to church. Instead of arguing, respect that they have different beliefs and be kind. If you act with love and kindness and work on relationships with people it is much more likely that they will be open to talking about Jesus.
3. We are not always right.
Seriously we are people, we make mistakes, we are influenced by all kinds of things and sometimes we are wrong. Whether you’re discussing politics, social norms, relationships with people in your life, or any other topic, be open to hearing what other people have to say. And be willing to admit when you are wrong. Or when there is more than one right answer, learn to accept that someone else is right too. Being humble and asking for forgiveness will get you a lot further in life and make you a much better person than arguing out of stubbornness.
4. Love the outcasts.
Jesus met with prostitutes, corrupt tax collectors, and lepers. He told his disciples to visit jails and to care for the poor. Who is the outcast in your life? Is it someone you find yourself judging because of their decisions? Is it someone that is just hard to talk to? Is it someone less fortunate than you? Is it someone others have decided isn’t worth it? Reach out to them and love them.
Christianity is supposed to be about love and relationship, not judgment and rules and regulations. I challenge each of us to change our behavior to be more like the biblical example of Jesus and less like the prideful and judgemental people that we are viewed as.
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