Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Are Millennials Really As Rude As Everyone Thinks?

I recently attended my first community meeting. I was excited both because of interest in politics of all sorts and because of my love for the community I am now a voting member of. However, I left the meeting appalled by the behavior I had witnessed from adults I have long respected.
The dialogue both between members and officers on the board was wrought with disrespect. It reflected the dialogue the nation as a whole sees every day among our politicians, our religious leaders, our activists, even our neighbors. Instead of calmly discussing the simple politics of this small town, members and officers jumped down each other's throats, interrupted each other, made assumptions and accusations, and scoffed at one another over petty issues. Nearly everyone at that meeting treated others with intolerance, rudeness, and general disrespect. It both saddened and frustrated me to see less respectful communication among adults than I had seen in my high school classes. At the time I wanted to speak up and address what I saw around me, but I was in utter shock at the pettiness and overall behavior I witnessed. I understand disagreements happen, and people are entitled to have varying opinions, however, there is a way to handle conflict while still treating others with basic human respect.
Perhaps what frustrated me the most was many of these adults frequently complain about the disrespect of teenagers and young adults. They say that members of my generation have no manners, that we are rude and do not contribute to society. Sometimes they are right in saying this. Sometimes they aren’t. I have seen my peers be extremely unkind and rude, but I can also say that most of the teens I know treat one another and their elders with more respect than many adults.
On occasions where adults are correct in challenging the behavior of Millennials or Generation Y, where do they think we learned it from? If children grow up seeing disrespect then as teenagers and adults they will recreate what they have witnessed. So to my Baby Boomers, to Generation X, to all parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles, be a good example. Lead by your actions, not just your words. If you want the generations below you to be kind and courteous, then be kind and courteous.
The fault doesn't lie entirely on our elders, however. To Millennials and my fellow members of Generation Y, remember that while we learn from what we saw growing up, as adults in this world we are responsible for our own behavior. We are the next politicians, religious leaders, activists, and community members. It's our duty to set the best example we can for the generations that will come after us. While I'm sure many in my generation are as frustrated by both immaturity and pettiness of some adults and the hypocrisy of which they accuse us of the same behavior as I am, I want to challenge us all not to get angry and instead give them nothing to find fault in. Maybe we can even set an example for our elders.

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