Tuesday, March 7, 2017

An Open Letter TO The Girl Who Hates Herself

Hey Girls,
I've thought about writing this letter for a long time but didn't quite know what to say. I guess I want to start with saying that I have been where you are. I know how you feel. And it gets better.
You stand in front of the mirror and loathe everything you see. Or maybe it's to the point where you avoid mirrors and looking into reflective windows because you dread catching a glimpse of your reflection. The number on the scale is how you measure your worth. You think you are too fat or too thin, your boobs are too small, too big, not symmetrical enough. You have no butt, or too much. You have stretch marks or you are too bony. Society tells you that your skin color or hair texture do not fit the definition of beauty.
You don't raise your hand in class because what if you are wrong. Can't draw attention to yourself. They are smarter than you anyways. You are bad at math, or writing, or history. You push yourself to perfect grades because that is the only thing that gives you validation. Or maybe you've given up because when you try and fail it is just a reminder of how stupid you are.
You think you don't deserve love. So you push everyone away or run to anyone who gives you the slightest bit of attention regardless of how he treats you.
You think you have no talent. You are the slowest on the team, or you didn't make the cut. All your friends are so artistic, so musical and you are so not. You think you are awkward, clumsy, and unskilled.
I don't know your story. Maybe you've heard others say that you are worthless. Maybe the voice in your head is the only one saying you are nothing.
"Fat. Ugly. Twig bitch. Stupid. Dumb blonde. Dirty. Prude. Slut. Moron. Loser. Nerd. Worthless. Mistake. Mutt. Gorda. Four-eyes. Chubby. Tramp. Pig. Witch. Unworthy. Unlovable. Crazy."
I don't care where you heard all of this or why you believe it because these are all lies.
You are smart. You are talented. You are beautiful. You have gifts and abilities and a personality and a heart that no one else on this planet has. You are created in the image of the one true king. You are so much more than the grade of your paper or the size of your jeans or who wants to date you.You are more than the words of your tormentors, including the tormentor in your own brain. You are so much more than the racial slurs. You are so much more than your depression and anxiety. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Your life has purpose and you are going to do amazing things.
I know you don't want to hear this. I know you are thinking "that is true for them, but not me". I have been there. I have been bullied, I have battled an eating disorder. I have been suicidal. But I have also learned that I am so much more than I thought I was. And I know that you are too.
God has an amazing plan for your future. You are amazing. You are loved. You are special. You are important. You are stunning in every meaning of the word. Your future is so bright.
If you need help, please seek it out. Please be kind to yourself. Please share your struggles with others.
The girl who has learned to love herself.

If you struggle with thoughts of harming yourself please go here:
If you struggle with disordered eating please go here:

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